Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Indie Fever available for download

My thesis on Mac Indie developers –Indie Fever– is now available for download. You can get it at: http://www.madebysofa.com/indiefever/

One of the reasons I started this blog is to have a public channel to communicate about the contents of the thesis. So if you have any remarks/comments/additions feel welcome to leave a message. There is a lot of history in the thesis and the developers perspective has not always been written down by someone yet. So if you have another angle on something in the thesis, I'd be glad to hear about it.


Anonymous said...

the cultural and economical aspects of the Mac Indie world

Sorry to be so "micro" with a first comment, but do you mean "economical" as in "money-saving", or "economic" as in "related to economics"?

Michiel van Meeteren said...

Economic as in related to economics

- Michiel

Anonymous said...

Hey, sorry total off topic but what have you used to write your thesis? LaTeX?

Michiel van Meeteren said...


Emiel said...

This is one of the first research papers in the field of social studies that actually came close to being fun to read. Great research idea and excellent writing style. Makes me curious, what was your final grade?